Inherits from | NSObject |
Declared in | ASNEngine.h |
Part of | Asounding Audio Engine |
Engine class handling music and and system events.
The ASNEngine singleton is in charge of managing the audio state of the application. It stops and restarts the background music and sounds when the application is deactivated and then reactivated.
ASNEngine is also the application's background music player, allowing you to set the currently playing music, and do fade outs. Special care has been taken so that music playback is completely asynchrounous: starting playback or fading out won't cause the calling thread to block while.
Getting the Engine
- + sharedEngine
- Retrieve the shared engine instance.
Enabling Audio Playback
- audioEnabled property
- Master switch for disabling all audio playback (sound sources and music).
- iPodPlaybackDisabled property
- Whether iPod is allowed to play while this application is active.
- musicEnabled property
- Independent control to disable music alone.
- soundsEnabled property
- Independent control to disable sounds.
Checking Audio State
- audioPlaybackSuspended property
- Tell if Asounding audio playback is currently suspended.
- audioSessionInterrupted property
- Tell whether the audio session has been interrupted because of another audio session on the system.
- iPodIsPlaying property
- Tell whether the iPod is playing music or not.
Controlling Music Playback
- - fadeMusicWithin:
- Fade out and stop the current background music.
- music property
- The current background music.
- musicVolume property
- The playback volume for the background music.
- - pauseMusic
- Pause the current background music; keep current position.
- playingMusic property
- Tell if background music is currently playing.
- - playMusic
- Start playing the current background music.
- - stopMusic
- Stop the current background music; rewind to beginning.
Registering Sound Sources
- - addSource:
- Add a sound source to the engine.
- - removeSource:
- Remove a sound source from the engine. Should not be called directly.
- sources property
- The list of sound sources registered with the engine.
Master switch for disabling all audio playback (sound sources and music).
@property (assign, getter=isAudioEnabled) BOOL audioEnabled
Setting this to NO will suspend all audio output from Asounding: background music and currently running sounds effects are paused until audioEnabled is set again to YES.
Default value is YES.
Tell if Asounding audio playback is currently suspended.
@property (readonly) BOOL audioPlaybackSuspended
Audio playback is suspended when the audioEnabled property is set to NO, when the application is deactivated (such as when the device is going to sleep) or when the audio session gets interrupted.
Tell whether the audio session has been interrupted because of another audio session on the system.
@property (readonly, nonatomic, assign) BOOL audioSessionInterrupted
Tell whether the iPod is playing music or not.
@property (readonly, nonatomic, assign) UInt32 iPodIsPlaying
This property is updated only when audio playback is suspended, which happens when you manually disable it or because of a system event (like the device going to sleep).
Whether iPod is allowed to play while this application is active.
@property (assign, getter=isIPodPlaybackDisabled) BOOL iPodPlaybackDisabled
Setting this to YES will force the iPod to stop playing music and allows Asounding to play its background music. Setting it to NO may block for a second while the iPod stops playing.
Default value is NO, which disables the background music when the iPod is playing.
The current background music.
@property (retain) ASNMusic * music
This property contains the the music to be played in background. Changing its value will stop the current background music (if one was playing) and preload the new music.
Independent control to disable music alone.
@property (getter=isMusicEnabled) BOOL musicEnabled
Setting this to NO will disable music playback, pausing any currently playing music and make any call to playMusic wait until music is enabled again before starting playback.
Default value is YES.
The playback volume for the background music.
@property float musicVolume
Changing this property will affect the volume at which the background music is played. Volume should be a float between 0.0 and 1.0. By default, this property is set to 0.5.
Tell if background music is currently playing.
@property (readonly) BOOL * playingMusic
YES if background music from the Engine is currently playing, NO if not.
Independent control to disable sounds.
@property (assign, getter=isSoundsEnabled) BOOL soundsEnabled
Setting this to NO will prevent stop currently playing sound sources and prevent sound sources from playing until set to YES again.
Default value is YES.
The list of sound sources registered with the engine.
@property (readonly) NSSet * sources
Sound sources when created automatically register themselves with the engine. This property lists all the sound sources currently in existance.
Class Methods
Retrieve the shared engine instance.
+ (ASNEngine *)sharedEngine
A shared instance of ASNEngine is created on the first call to this function.
Instance Methods
Add a sound source to the engine.
- (void)addSource:(ASNSource *)newSource
- newSource
- The sound source to add.
This method should not be called directly. It is called by ASNSource during initialization.
Fade out and stop the current background music.
- (void)fadeMusicWithin:(NSTimeInterval)seconds
- seconds
- The number of seconds for the fade out effect.
This method lowers the volume of the backgrond music progressively and then stops it, rewinding to the beginning. The time taken by the fade out effect is specified in seconds.
Pause the current background music; keep current position.
- (void)pauseMusic
This method stops the backgrond music, but keep the current position so that it can be restarted from here.
Start playing the current background music.
- (void)playMusic
This method starts the backgrond music immediately if there is no audio interruption and music is enabled, or else schedule the music to be started once music is enabled and audio interruptions are lifted.
Music will not start if the iPod is currently playing music, unless the shouldMusicPlayOverIPod property is set to YES. If the background music was previously paused, it restarts from the position it was paused, othewise it starts from the beginning.
Remove a sound source from the engine. Should not be called directly.
- (void)removeSource:(ASNSource *)theSource
- theSource
- The sound source to remove.
This method should not be called directly. It is called when by ASNSource before deallocation.
Stop the current background music; rewind to beginning.
- (void)stopMusic
This method stops the backgrond music and rewind the current position to the beginning.