Tumiki Fighters
Tumiki Fighters for iOS is an adaptation of an open-source shoot’em-up game by Kenta Cho. The game is published by Dreamawake Games and is on sale on the App Store.
Tumiki Training Night is an entirely new level I created: a “training” mission that serves as a small teaser for the full game. Enjoy!
Tumiki Fighters — no longer available
- An iOS adaptation of Kenta Cho’s original game.
Tumiki Training Night — no longer available
- A free bonus mission based on Tumiki Fighters.
Of Note
The game contains 5 levels, but you may still never get it through. Lot of practice required.
Most of the original code was in the D programming language. It was all rewritten into C++ due to the unavailability of a D compiler for ARM (the processor inside the iPhone and iPod Touch).
The Asounding sound engine developed for this game is available for licensing to other developers.