Red Stripe for iOS
The color differentiator.
Red Stripe helps people with color blindness distinguish various colors using stripe patterns filters and color alterations. Use it for ambiguous colors on signs and maps or simply to better understand the colors around you.

Stripes for All Colors
Oblique stripes on red, dashed stripes on green, horizontal stripes on blue.
Pick the best stripes that best help you.

Stripes are good to distinguish other colors too. Stripes are more or less pronounced depending on whether the tint is closer to red, green, or blue. Stripes can be shown or hidden for any color.
Repainting the Rainbow 🌈

Hue Shift
Red becomes cyan, green becomes magenta, blue becomes yellow, yellow becomes blue. This 180° rotation of the color wheel switches problematic colors to those you are more sensitive to.

Luminance Flip
Sometimes darkness makes colors harder to see. This filter makes dark colors become light and light colors become dark. The hue is left unchanged: what’s red stays red. Although if you want a fully negative image, you can combine with Hue Shift.

Vibrancy Boost
Increase color saturation and slightly darken uncolored areas. This may help for colors that are too subtle.
Vision Settings 

Stripes are visible by default on greens and reds. Those are useful for red-green forms of color blindness which is most common (deuteranopia, protanopia).
Red Stripe also offers stripes on blue which is useful for those with a blue-yellow color blindness (tritanopia), but those are not enabled by default.
Color Palette
Under the settings you will find a color palette providing an overview of the stripe apparence and color effects.
Requires iOS 12 or later.
Color Accuracy
Changing light conditions can affect color perception, both for the eye and the camera. Try to have good lighting conditions when taking pictures.