What’s new in version 3
Red Stripe 3 adds an option for blue stripes to help with blue-yellow color blindness (tritanopia).
Also new are three color alteration filters to change the hue, invert the luminance, and make colors more vibrant.
Detailed History
Version 3.0.1 (9 May 2020)
- Added support for iOS dark mode.
Version 3.0 (15 Apr. 2019)
- Adding four new filters:
- Stripe on Blue helps with yellow-blue color blindness (tritanopia).
- Hue Shift rotates the hue by 180° so ambiguous colors are now represented by less ambiguous ones. It might have the reverse effect on other colors.
- Luminance Flip inverts the luminosity without changing the hue.
- Vibrancy Boost makes colors more saturated and easier to tell apart.
Version 2.1.1 (17 January 2018)
- Fixing crash when Save Image is chosen from the share button.
Version 2.1 (16 September 2017)
- Added share button to send filtered photos around.
Version 2.0 (28 Jan. 2016)
- Dashed stripes on green, recalibration of red stripes.
- Settings to enable and disable both kind of stripes.
- Color palette when adjusting the settings to better see whow the stripes affect colors.
Version 1.0 (18 Jun. 2015)
- First release of Red Stripe.